Earth Friendly Ingredients

At Wildlands Farm and Nursery, we are taking every step necessary to make sure we respect our environment. Potting soils are usually of a coco peat base although will have peat moss in them Learn about Peat Moss Mining. Our fertilizers are organic and derived of meals or compost teas. The pots we use are plastic, although they are reusable. We are working on finding options that lessen our footprint without compromising quality. Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!

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We send your plants out with love, click here to have your questions and concerns answered.

Local Pick-Up

If you are interested in picking up your plants in person, please reach out. There are additional plants not listed on the website due to their large size.



California Nursery Stock Certificate for Inter/Intra State Shipments

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Phyotphthora ramorum free nursery

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Snail-Free Nursery
